5 Reasons to go to 6am Yoga Class

Most people can be placed into two different categories–morning people, and not-exactly-morning people.  I tend to be the second, and when I was asked if I would teach a 6am yoga class, I was excited for the opportunity, but less than excited about waking up so early.

Fast forward a few months later, and I am so happy that I agreed, because 6am yoga classes are actually pretty awesome.  Here are 5 reasons why you should try a 6am, or any early morning, yoga class.

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The 5 Yamas Made Simple

You may already know from taking classes, but yoga itself isn’t just the shapes and poses we make with our bodies, but an entire system–an 8-limbed system, or path.  

The poses, or asanas, that we practice in yoga classes are just one of the eight limbs, and sometimes you may hear about the other seven, but most of the time we don’t get very much explanation about them! Here, we’ll break down the first limb for you, The Yamas. 

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7 Tips for Sticking with Yoga

How often do you start something, become completely in love and passionate about it, dedicate tons of energy towards it, and then weeks, months, or years later, end up completely bored and burnt out?

When it comes to yoga, this tends to happen to many of us. In the yoga sutras, Patanjali talks about how people need to have tapas to continue the lifelong practice of yoga. Tapas translates to the burning fire within, to the passion and dedication that keeps you going and keeps you committed–this is what we tend to lose when we become bored with something.

For a lot of people, starting yoga is easy, staying with it for awhile is great, but maintaining that practice over long periods of time, over a lifetime, and keeping that tapas can be nearly impossible–but not completely. Here are some tips that have helped me stay in love with yoga and stick with it:

7 Tips Redo

Blog by Studio Bamboo teacher, Courtney Cronis

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5 Tips for Taking Your First Yoga Class

Attending a yoga class for the first time can be slightly intimidating. As a beginner, entering a room full of barefoot adults rolling around on rubber rectangles can be rather daunting–but don’t let that stop you! In an effort to make your transition into yoga more fluid, here are 5 tips for taking your first yoga class.



Blog by Studio Bamboo teacher, Lindsay Richards

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